3 Major Advantages Of Collaborative Divorce

18 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog


A collaborative divorce is one in which both parties and their attorneys agree to work cooperatively toward an equitable settlement rather than battling things out in court. A relatively new concept, collaborative divorce offers many benefits to those who wish to dissolve their marriages. Following are three good reasons for giving collaborative divorce serious consideration.

It Takes the Guesswork Out of Divorce

Because both parties are fully engaged in the process of crafting the terms of their divorce, there are no surprises or guesswork involved the way there is when a judge is making the final decisions. Both spouses can begin planning their futures while they are in the process of getting a divorce with reasonable expectations of how the situation will turn out rather than putting their lives on hold while waiting for a judge's decision.

It's Usually Less Expensive

Collaborative divorce is generally less expensive than divorce proceedings that go through traditional litigation because decreased court time means less court costs as well as reduced attorney fees. The only time when you will have to appear in court will be when your divorce is officially finalized, and this process is just a formality that takes less than 10 minutes. Some stats may not even require you to put in a court appearance, so be sure to check with your divorce attorney about the regulations

It's Easier on the Children

Collaborative divorce is easier on the children than long, drawn-out negotiations involving multiple court appearances. Because the focus is on cooperation and finding solutions and compromises that work for everyone rather than both parties and their lawyers doing their best to "win" the case, children are much less likely to view the future with fear and apprehension. This type of divorce also offers both parents the opportunity to model positive adult behavior in the face of adversity. In some cases, older children may be able to take part in some of the negotiations, which will leave them feeling as if they have some degree of control over their own immediate future.

Collaborate divorces aren't for everyone, of course, particularly those who are leaving abusive relationships or where significant disagreement exists concerning matters such as division of property and child custody. However, many people are finding that this process suits their needs better than old-school divorce proceedings that are based on positions of opposition. Your family law attorney can provide you with more information concerning this possible option.