Mountain Climbing Trips Shouldn’t Come With Increased Risks Of Fatalities

30 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The recent news about the unfortunate deaths of mountain climbers on Mount Everest doesn't dissuade everyone from planning climbing excursions. Similar conditions won't exist at a local range. Regardless, all mountain climbing adventures come with risks. It is said anyone who climbs a mountain understands those risks. Such a statement isn't entirely true. Inexperienced climbers aren't fully aware of risks. Mountain climbing bookers and guides shouldn't ignore potential risks to save a sale. Read More 

Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney

23 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Have you been arrested for something that you didn't do? Are you now faced with the prospect of defending yourself against an untrue allegation? Being arrested can be a scary and difficult time for most people. Trying to find a good lawyer to defend you can make it even more confusing. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be. Here are some questions to ask before settling on any criminal defense attorney: Read More 

Three Vital Real Estate Law Tips

24 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

In order to make sure that you are best able to handle real estate transactions, as an investor, landlord or individual purchaser, it is important that you consider some real estate law tips. By considering these tips throughout the course of your projects, you'll be able to handle your business with the law on your side. With that in mind, follow some of these tips, to make the most of your real estate. Read More 

3 Tips For Moving On After A Divorce

10 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Even after the divorce papers have been signed, you might still feel a strong sense of grief over the fact that you've lost someone that was important to you. This is a natural process and the sadness and guilt that you might feel will eventually lift. However, there are some actions that you can take to help yourself move on after your divorce and continue to live your life effectively. Read More